My Favorite Youtube Channels
I watch a lot of youtube about a variety of topics so these are some of my favorite channels in alphabetical order, go give them a watch or subscribe.(I won't link to Youtube directly because ... eww, instead I'll link to an Invidious instance I trust. No spying and ads and all that nasty google business)
Baumgartner Restoration This guy works in a studio in Chicago and showcases how he restores old paintings. It's super interesting and soothing almost like Bob Ross' Joy of Painting
Cannot be Tamed Nice retrogaming channel, she reviews a lot of NES games and other retro games, lot's of hidden gems covered. She really goes in-depth in her reviews making them fun to watch and listen to.
Dank Pods Guy does odd and fun things with ipods, like its impressive the kind of stuff he does with ipods
ETA Prime Tests a lot of products, phones and raspberry pi stuff and talks about emulators, just kind of fun to see
Food4Dogs A nice old woman who talks about her favorite JRPGs and other japanese video games as well as telling stories of her childhood. She's lovely and nice to listen to and it's just nice seeing older people on youtube be expressive about their hobbies. Makes me feel like being really into games into old age isn't a bad thing.
Jim Sterling Well known internet pundit who talks about the follies and pitfalls of the "AAA" video game industry and all the bullshit within it. He has a very entertaining personality and his campiness and skits and fun hot takes do put a smile on my face despite him talking about things that anger me.
My Life in Gaming Show about retro gaming, initially focused on how to get the best picture quality out of your retro consoles on modern displays but they do branch into other facets of retro gaming. Frankly not a whole lot of it applies to my personal setup but I just enjoy seeing people talk about their passion and I do enjoy retro gaming so it interests me as well.
Night Mind Channel that covers so called unfiction, mostly webseries and ARGs in the horror genre that use the internet as their canvas. His voice is just like honey honestly, the Cryptkeeper from Tales from the Crypt but with a more radio-pleasing voice.
Omotea Cute Vtuber who plays VR rhythm games (Beat Saber, Pistol Whip, OhShape). Really fun, cute and energetic.
UsefulCharts Nice channel where a guy makes family trees and uses them to teach history
VintageHenshin Really underrated channel, one of the best channels about Tokusatsu, has fascinating mini-docs about various subjects relating to Tokusatsu